Monday, January 4, 2010

Me and my heart we got issues

Hey there! I just got back from school. hee. I got what I wanted! Sub Science. hee :D 
I was so happy until i actually cried. I know, tahpape gila but I felt so emotional because I didn't get an A for science yet i'm in sub science. I'm so thankful. Though, I've got no friends in that class ): but it's alright. I'll manage. Hopefully Razi masuk my class. hee :D

Anywho, The new subjects i'll be learning are, Accounts, Physics, Chemistry and Add Maths. :O
Scared but excited at the same time. hee. Alright, i'ma go now. hehe. Toodles! Skaadushh



uti said...

science ade account??

SYAKIRAH said...

yeap ada. I sub science. not pure. Sub Sc tkde bio but ada accounts (:

uti said...

owh i see
tu lg best kot
sbb bio sucks
nway, congrats syaq!
study hard aite
btw, u got new bf??

SYAKIRAH said...

haha. really? bio mcm best je. but i tknk amik bio because I tk boleh lah nk belah a katak in two. haha. Kesian. hehe
Alright i will (;
And nope. I'm single lah. haha. :D

uti said...

ade ke sbb tu u xbole amek?
but i heard accnt pun ssh
act to me sume ssh
erk really?
xde calon meh?

Anonymous said...

haha, yeah. i know i'm weird, haha
so far smua except addmths okay. haha

and nope. no candidate. I'm think i'm gonna stay single for the mean time (: