Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ustaz wanted to take a picture with us. HAHA. (click for better view)

Okay, today i was totally in a bad bad mood. I was super stressed out because i've got like, debate, kp stuff, public speaking, homework, green house, family problems and personal problems. I really needed someone who i can share and can just listen and say "everything will be okay" even though i know it isn't true. But its just to make me feel better at the time. I broke down and cried in class today. It was too much and one girl can't handle too much at a time. So i broke down but after a while, i felt better but i was still in a bad mood until i got home. Now i'm fine. Still stressed but not as much as before. Alhamdulillah :) 

Okay now, i've got to practice for the public speaking. Goshh I'm nervous :\

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