Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Hello everyone (if there's anyone. lol). How long has it been since I wrote? Too long. A lot of thing's and I repeat, A LOT of things has been happening to me since the last time I blogged :-

First and foremost, I am so happy with my life. For those who has been reading my blog should know how depressed I've been and to those who just started reading, well, I have been all kinds of negative in the past. So here's to change! I am eternally grateful for the blessings I've been given.

Honestly, I have never felt this happy ever. I'm happy to report that I have fully recovered from my unfortunate break-up and I have learned to accept the fact that it's over between us but of course it will still sting from time to time. Hey, we're only human but even though it stings, it won't be as much as it did. I'm content with what I have now. I have my wonderful family, my supportive friends, my seductive roommate, my crazy bandmates, my hyperactive coursemates and etc. What more do I need?

Not my priority at the moment. Being single is something I need right now but of course I'd wanna be with someone eventually but I don't wanna rush into any relationships at the moment. No more. I need to get to know someone for at least 4 months before being with that person cause frankly speaking, I'm serious this time and what I meant by serious is that I wanna get married serious so the next boyfriend I have should also be husband material and what I meant by that is that he must be enough for me to marry one day, if all goes well.

So far that's all I can say about what's going on with my life. In another post, I'll explain how being happy has put in effect to my life. Till then.

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