Saturday, December 24, 2011

Officially Missing You

As my title has clearly stated. I'm officially missing you. I don't know whether or not I've made the right decision or not but what I'm feeling now makes me think I didn't. All the things I miss:

1. Our late night phone calls
2. Our adventurous outings
3. Our spontaneous dancing
4. The laughs we shared
5. The things we saw
6. Your adorably shy-ish-with-me personality
7. Basically, you.

I miss all of you. Everything that we did together and everything we were planning to do together. I've made a lot of mistakes and I don't know if I can ever get them back. I'm stuck on a fine line between two wants and I don't know which is best for me. I'm in a mess. I love the old but I'm missing the new. I really love the old. So much but I feel like the spark is fading. The fireworks aren't there constantly when its supposed to.

I need to go away. Far away so I'll know for sure who my heart longs for the most.
Till then,


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