Saturday, October 31, 2009


I thought I was strong enough to handle it but I can't! I can't! 
Please stop. Ignore what I said before. I do mind. A lot. It's killing me inside and out. 
Ripping my heart slowly in tiny micro sized pieces and I feel the pain each day without fail.
I'm sorry but you can't blame me for acting this way.

I don't know if I can handle even facing you. I'd feel awkward and angry.
If you'd still wanna go on with it, I'm afraid I can't take being around that.
It's bad enough to know the truth.
Now seeing this happening in front of my eyes is just unbearable.

It's too much for me.
Take the opportunity if you'd like to.
Just know, I don't have your back on this one.
I don't want and can't bear to be or get involved in it. 
Its hurting me more than anything has ever hurt me before. 
This is by far the worse. 

So, Im not going to be a bad person and stop you from feeling how you're feeling.
Im backing off.
Just so you could be happy, I'll sacrifice my heart.
Please don't change your mind. 
It's hard enough for me to do this.
It'll be harder to know that i'm doing this and it ended up being for nothing. 
I'll say goodbye to my heart now.

out, ♥  

Thursday, October 29, 2009

They are just simply not helping


This the sound of settling

I've never felt this way before but i know i've got to get away from this feeling.

I feel as though somebody has just ripped my heart out from my chest and stabbing it several times from the back with a razor sharp blade.

It's not a good feeling. I hate it. Something or someone please distract me! It's killing me softly. I'm suffering in silence.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Went to Ou with Fareena on Saturday. Lepak lepak then pergi hartamas.
Met Ashmen, Zul, Razi, Fifi, Robyn, Jason, Shaun. 
Had an awesome time. (:
Wouldn't trade them friends for anything.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Come on and love me now

I wanna take you in in in and make you mine.
I wanna make everything seem like it's as perfect as the nights sky.
I wanna grip your arms and hold it tight and hope I don't have to let go.
I wanna be that close to perfect bitch that you could love endlessly without any complaint.
I wanna love you no matter what despite your weaknesses.

This would be great if it was dedicated to a real human being. But sadly nope. Butni feel like I don't want to be involved with anybody. I'll just see how it goes. I love being single. I'm good at it. (:

out, ♥

Friday, October 23, 2009

One part brave, three parts fool

Say goodbye my friend. its over over over. Gained a friend, lost a friend. Sad sad times. BEAR WITH IT DUMBASS!

p/s; this is to no one. im saying this to myself.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

have you ever felt like your heart is falling from the tallest tower to the ground?

You know what?
I think i may have just fallen in love with someone i'm not allowed to



out, ♥ 


Monday, October 19, 2009

Feeling Sorry - Paramore

One of those days, lucky me

Omgosh! you have no idea what i have been through! my internet connection like fuck! grrh. Apparantly now im kinda lucky annnddd im using my sisters macbook so yeah. haha.

Okayy! you know, after pmr, i was a total loser because i think i was the only one who stayed at home like a good girl =.=. BUTTTTTT. Yesterday was probably the best night i have ever had after PMR. I wont lie. It was soo awesome! My sister's boyfriend, bill and his brother yik came over to our house and hanged. Then all of us played wii. heee. Yik beated me in boxing! but i beated him in tennis. haha. It was sooo funny. I couldn't stop laughing and honestly, after boxing, both of us were sweating. haha. Then we had like a door-malfunction moment. 

After that, nuff invited me and yik to join her and bill for a movie night so i obviously i said okay and i got ready. I bathed and all and then we were off! We ate dinner at padang kota, kota dmnsara first and then we went to bill's house because he and yik wanted to change his clothes. While waiting, i played the guitar. Then dumdumdum we went to cineleisure and guess what. THE MOVIE THEATRE WAS CLOSED! Like whathefuck! haha, after alotta cursing and maki-ing, we went to GSC and we watched Pandorum. I sat in the middle of nuff and yik because i didn't wanna sit paling hujung because i was afraid. haha. Me and yik kept talking and talking and complaining about the characters in the movie while watching it. It was nice. heee.

Then after that we went to minum minum for a while at some mamak and we played cards. first we played bluff. I lost because im soooo not good at bluffing. haha. then we play chotytie(i dont know the spelling haha) and i won! because i love that game. OH OH THEN WE PLAYED SNAP! KECOH HABIS MACAM RUMAH SENDIRI. HAHA. THEN THE BEST PART WAS WE PLAYED HEART ATTACK, HOMAGOSH IT WAS A HEART ATTACK. HAHA. POOR NUFF AND YIK. THEY GOT HIT THE MOST. HEEE. OKAY THATS IT. JUST UPDATING AND LETTING YOU KNOW THAT IM HAPPY AND HYPED UP. IM THANKFUL I HAVE A SISTER LIKE NUFF TO TAKE ME OUT LIKE THAT. HEEE


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ever after

Finally i got to go out! I feel relieved. Haha. Okay, thats it.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

i'd like to say thank you to those who've recently taken me for granted and think what i say is untrue. yeah alright. fine! don't believe me! if i feel something that i know is right and true, no way im gonna say anything anymore! 

thanks for only saying 'iloveyou' when you need me! 
thanks for only needing me to fix things! 
thanks for accusing me of such nonsense!
thanks for saying im a cheater!
thanks for saying im not grateful!
thanks for making me unloved!
thanks for making me feel like cinderella without her happy ending!

MERCI! )':

Homagosh! I know im gonna sound like a total geek but WII IS SO FUN! ;DD AND AND AND IT IS SOO TIRING. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE PLAYING BOXING. HAHA. 

I played it with my family yesterday and it was totally hilarious. YOU SHOULD SEE MY MUM AND DAD PLAY! IT WAS SOOOO CUTE AND FUNNY! PECAH PERUT OKAY! HAHAHA

now, im watching my mum play tennis. heheheee, She's talking to herself and scolding herself when she makes a mistake. haha. so cuteee. heeee. THANKS MOMMY FOR BUYING THE WII FOR OUR FAMILY! ;DDD. kay thats it. hehe. see ya! :D


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Izham Nabil says....

Dear Readers, Please read this. As scary as it is, its a good reminder.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t,

Saudara-saudaraku sekalian, Topik yang saya akan terjemahkan pada hari ini adalah, "Ancaman Planet Nibiru". Dalam kehidupan ini kita seringkali mengalami masalah dan ancaman, yang paling terkini adalah masalah kenaikan harga minyak dan juga kenaikan harga barang keperluan. Semua ini adalah masalah yang berlaku akibat dari dalam bumi itu sendiri. Sekarang, saya ingin berkongsi sedikit informasi bersama sahabat-sahabat mengenai ancaman yang datang dari luar bumi yang perlu kita semua tahu dan seterusnya dapat menghayati kekuasaan ALLAH s.w.t yang Maha Berkuasa.

Memang benar kita tidak boleh meramal bila akan tibanya hari kiamat, sedangkan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sendiri tidak tahu bila akan tibanya hari itu. Apa yang anda akan dengar selepas ini adalah hanya teori dan faktar semata-mata. Setelah sekian lama saya membuat kajian tentang ancaman planet Nibiru ini, saya agak terkejut dengan respon dari orang ramai yang kebanyakkannya tidak endah dengan ancaman ini. Baru-baru ini saya telah mendapat tahu segelintir ahli Persatuan saintis-saintis sedunia mengatakan bahawa tepat pada 21hb Disember 2012 iaitu jatuh pada hari "Jumaat", planet Nibiru akan bertemu bumi. Kalau betul lah dengan kiraan mereka, maka pada hari itu bumi seperti berhenti dari putaran sistem suria selama 3 hari, dan selama 3 hari itulah kita akan mengalami segala bencana alam yang amat dasyat. Perubahan drastik yang mendadak dan sekelip mata. Matahari tidak lagi terbit disebelah timur, malam menjadi siang dan siang menjadi malam.

ALLAH s.w.t telah menciptakan banyak bintang di alam semesta dalam kuantiti yang tidak terbilang selagi dikehendakiNya. Dari pandangan sains astronomi, gugusan bintang ini diberi nama ‘galaksi’. Terdapat banyak galaksi yang hanya ALLAH s.w.t sahaja yang tahu jumlah sebenarnya. Salah satu daripadanya adalah galaksi di mana bumi kita berada di dalamnya yang diberi nama ‘Bima Sakti’. Dengan kuasa ALLAH s.w.t diciptakanNya pula objek langit dan planet berputar mengelilingi matahari mengikut orbit yang tersusun. Kumpulan planet yang bergerak mengelilingi matahari, diberi nama pula Sistem Suria (Solar System). Begitu pula dengan galaksi lain yang memiliki pusatnya sendiri. Putaran planet terhadap pusat galaksi secara tersusun ini kemudian disitilahkan sebagai ‘orbit’.

Pakar-pakar astronomi menyatakan kini sudah banyak planet yang berputar secara berbalik arah, jika di planet bumi kita ini matahari masih terbit dari arah timur, maka beberapa tahun ini terdapat fenomena baru yang di dalam pemantauan ahli astronomi ini planet lain sudah mulai berbalik arah dan matahari terbit dari arah barat. Dari sisi ilmiah, inilah petanda akhir zaman mendekati kiamat, sebagaimana petunjuk dari Nabi junjungan kita, Muhammad s.a.w. Dalam kekalutan memantau berterusan pergerakan planet-planet yang telah berlawan arah ini, mereka menemui satu planet baru yang di beri nama Planet Nibiru (ada yang panggil Planet X).

Nibiru ini ditarik oleh daya graviti matahari yang besar dalam sistem suria kita, sehingga kemudian ia masuk ke dalam orbit planet-planet dalam keadaan berlawanan arah, dan suatu masa nanti Nibiru akan bertembung dengan bumi. Para sainstis sedunia meramalkan bahawa 50 tahun lagi Nibiru ini akan memasuki orbit sistem suria kita, sejak ia ditemui pada tahun 2003. Dengan kata lain, kehancuran bumi bakal terjadi pada tahun 2053? Ada Segelintir sainstis dan laman web yang menyatakan pertembungan ini berlaku pada 2012. Dari segi sains, pengubahan yang terlibat adalah dinamik dan boleh berubah-ubah. Atau adakah ini adalah kiamat yang disebut dalam Al-Quran? ALLAH s.w.t Maha Berkuasa atas segala-galanya.

Lintasan Planet Nibiru ke dalam sistem suria dikatakan bakal memberikan impak yang dahsyat di bumi. Gempa-gempa bumi terkuat dalam sejarah manusia moden akan terjadi ketika ini. Setelah bumi bergerak sejajar dengan medan magnet Nibiru, gempa bumi berskala lebih 9 skala Richter akan berlaku dan akan dirasai banyak tempat di dunia. Ketulan ais di kutub akan terbelah dan mencair, meningkatkan aras air laut sehingga menenggelamkan banyak tempat di dunia. Gelombang tsunami raksasa juga dijangkakan akan berlaku pada masa tersebut.
Gangguan elektromagnetik yang berlaku di planet-planet lain dalam sistem suria ketika ini juga dipercayai disebabkan oleh graviti Nibiru. Perubahan cuaca yang agak ekstrem ini juga dipercayai berpunca daripada ketidakstabilan gelombang elektromagnetik bumi akibat pengaruh Nibiru. Namun, kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang masih mentah dalam astronomi tidak mengetahui dan tidak didedahkan dengan pengetahuan tersebut. Walaupun, kita sudah ada angkasawan, namun, kita masih terlalu muda untuk melibatkan diri dalam sains angkasa lepas. Kita hanya disuapkan dengan fenomena pemanasan global dan perubahan cuaca dunia yang disebabkan oleh aktiviti manusia sendiri. Walhal, pengaruh luar bumi juga turut menyumbang kepada fenomena ini.

Kestabilan medan magnet bumi yang dipengaruhi oleh matahari akan terganggu oleh lintasan Nibiru. Pergerakannya memasuki sistem suria menyebabkan suhu teras bumi meningkat secara mendadak akibat adanya pertambahan gerakan berputar di dalamnya. Ketika teras bumi cuba mencapai keseimbangan bagi perubahan mendadak dalam sistem suria, keadaan ini akan menghasilkan kesan sampingan yang teruk antaranya perubahan cuaca yang tidak stabil dan meningkatnya aktiviti gunung berapi seperti yang berlaku sekarang. Peningkatan suhu teras bumi mengakibatkan peningkatan berkala pada aktiviti seismik dan gunung berapi. Gempa bumi pun sering terjadi. Daerah pergunungan diancam bahaya lahar. Kepanasan dari teras bumi diserap oleh mantel dan akhirnya kerak bumi mengakibatkan peningkatan suhu dasar laut. Air laut yang semakin panas akan merubah pola arusnya, taburan hujan berubah dan pola-pola meteorologi terganggu.

Adakah keadaan ini membawa kepada kejadian kiamat? Allah s.w.t telah berfirman banyak kali dalam Al-Quran yang menjelaskan betapa dahsyatnya kiamat. Seperti di dalam Surah Al-Waqiah ayat 1 hingga 6 yang bermaksud;
“Apabila terjadi hari kiamat, tidak seorangpun dapat berdusta tentang kejadiannya. (Kejadian itu) merendahkan (satu golongan) dan meninggikan (golongan yang lain), apabila bumi digoncangkan sedahsyat-dahsyatnya, dan gunung-gunung dihancur luluhkan seluluh-luluhnya, maka jadilah ia debu yang berterbangan,”
Jika benar pertembungan ini yang memulakan kiamat, maka itu ALLAH s.w.t jua lah yang menghendakinya. Dan jika maklumat ahli sains angkasa itu salah, maka hendaklah kita jadikan "renungan dan ikhtibar". Marilah kita muhasabah diri kita. Kita diminta oleh Rasullullah s.a.w untuk bertaubat, membaca, memelihara dan menyebarkan Al-Quran. Perkara kiamat adalah ketentuan ALLAH s.w.t yang mutlak dan pasti akan berlaku. Yang penting bagi kita adalah bersedia untuk menghadap ALLAH s.w.t .Bersatulah kita wahai saudara-saudara islamku, banyakanlah amal ibadat serta bantu-membantu. Adakah kita telah bersedia? 

Sekian terima kasih.

Yang benar,
Izham Nabil Anuar

*Scary right? I know! So, muslims, do pray and do every good deed you can. Non-muslims, hopefully you'll be given the right path.**Oh! and Izham Nabil a.k.a bill says that Islam wont see how hari kiamat is because we will be the first religion to perish during the phenomena and the jews will be the last and they who are jews will witness the earth split into half so hopefully you guys aren't jews. 

p/s; this info isn't fake. Trust me. *


It wouldn't kill you, you know

 Content may or may not cause guilt or anger or whatever. Read with caution. Or not, dont read at all.

For starters, im gonna say that i have never felt so left out before. Lately, I've been dealing with a lot emotionally and also physically so im not really stable now and to top it off, My friends are like not how they used to be. Heck, to tell you the truth, this has been going on for quite a while now. At first, I thought, "hey, its not problem. Im not gonna mind. Its alright" but now, it has spread. And it hurts. It hurts for me to always be the last person to know whats going on. And even thats indirectly. It wouldn't kill if you updated me once in a while too you know. Its not that im demanding it but once in a while, it would be nice to actually feel included and a part of them too. I know that some of you update each other by sending text to multiple people at once. but seldom was i included it that list.

Im sorry if i have ever done anything that might have been over the limit and made you guys feel upset. But honestly, i know it wasn't intentional. Yes, I may have not been the best friend to some of you these couple of years but im trying to be the best i can be now. Im really trying. At this point, only Fatimah Hanif understands how i feel because she's going through the same thing. So im so thankful that at least i know that she is there with me and we can help each other go through this phase together right fatim? (:
 I'll do my best to not make you think the worst of me. 

So conclusion is that im sorry if this may make some people terasa but its how i feel and to those that don't feel anything, well. I guess your heart isn't big enough to let this sink through or in other words, heartless. Sorry. 
Well, take care. I love you guys mucho's. 


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"We got a dollar, we got a dollar, we got a dollar, hey hey hey hey!"

"I got two pickles, I got two pickles, I got two pickles, today. hey hey. *mumblesmumbles*. I got two pickles today. today."

-Buckweat from Little Rascals. 


Call Me

she's just not that into you


The headline for today is.....


hey hey hey! Im back baby! :D killer examination that the kerajaan calls pmr is over over over! Nothings stopping this girl from having the time of her life now. MUAHAHAHAHA! ;D

kay, thats it. haha tataaaa!

♪ syakirah,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tomorrow, we'll rise to the occasion!

Good Luck To All PMR candidates! May we do the best we can! ;D

out ♪ 

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My interest ;D

I think its simply beautiful. (;

The reflection nebula NGC 1999 is brilliantly illuminated by V380 Orionis (center).
a variable star with about 3.5 times the mass of the Sun.

This may be a new planet being formed. 
Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope found evidence that a companion to a star.  either another star or a planet could be pushing planetary material together

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it.


Music And Lyrics Part Five (II)

Hey! For those who wants to hear how my new song sounds like, here it is (;
its not a video. It's just the song. hee.



Homagosh! yay! Finally i got to change my layout. In your face! haha :D
hee, im happy but yet sad. hmm, don't know why.
I've been getting weird dreams lately but i like what i dreamt though. whee.
Well, PMR is like next week :O =.=' I have to like study my ass off. So if i dnt reply any texts means im busy. If you wanna reach me, the best way is to call me. haha.

Okay, this probably will be my last post until PMR is over. Well, thats all. hehe. Gootabye :P
