Saturday, June 26, 2010

A little piece of mind

I have been feeling really angry these past few days. There is always something bugging me and pissing me off. Testing my patience much? Yeah I got patience. But once you cross the line, you're done for. Note, this is for a couple of females. Both in different situations.

One, did you have to what you did in front of me purposely to make me angry? Don't think for one second I don't know your intentions. I may be blurr, sometimes nooby and lurus bendul but I know for a fact that I am not stupid. I've got brains and common sense and to be more clear, I'VE GOT EYES! I saw what you did with my two eyeballs. Can't you respect boundaries and limits? You've got brains too, don't you? If you're still a bit blurr, then let me ask you this question and you answer me. Would you like it if I did the exact same thing to you purposely knowing that you're watching? You're more possessive than I am in that part and you know it so I can bet 110% you'd be even more furious than I am so get your reality checked. Respect boundaries. You're all words but no actions. If you don't like certain things that people would do that makes you uncomfortable, don't ever do the same. You can talk the talk. Everyone knows that. But can you walk the walk? I haven't seen that yet.

Two, don't think you're so perfect! Just because you're getting married, it doesn't make you the boss of everything. Especially the boss of my life. Yes, I know I have to respect you as you're older than me but age is just a number.  I deserve as much respect from you too. Just because i'm younger and i'm not allowed to talk back at you, It doesn't give you the right to take advantage of that. I'm only human. Yes, I do talk back at you but note, only if I know I'm not in fault. I have the right to voice out my opinion and thoughts and you should acknowledge it. If you raise your voice at me, I'll do the same. If you're rude to me, i'll be rude back. You always say i'm disrespectful and all but come on, you need to give respect to get it. I should have said this to you a long time ago. Telling you this now is probably useless. I've always been the one who has to change in this family but why does only have to me? Why can't you change? I asked you before, why can't you change? and you replied, "i've tried" So? that is not an excuse. You never let me used that excuse so why are you an exception? you're bullshit you know that? 
I'm not talking to you. I'm not layaning you. I'm tired of your crap. 

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