Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lately i've been messing around with photoshop and I made certain* photos look horrendously hideous. Haha. Made my whole day. HAHA, I would post it if I could but I don't have the guts. Hehe, 
But other than making certain* photos look hideous, I made some look surprisingly awesome. If I have to say so myself. All the effects, I learn from YouTube. hehe big thanks (Y) :D 
Oh! And while I was on YouTube, I found this music video a lady gaga and beyonce fan made of their song 'Telephone'. HAHA. Seriously gay gay gay. Here's the link if you want to watch it

Lately I've been talking with Moon about my life and problems I'm facing and she's been helping me a lot and making me realize things I already do but never do anything about. I'm learning that I'm okay and I'll be fine and I'll definitely survive. This problem isn't gonna bring me down anymore. I'm strong and I'll leave it to god to do whatever that needs to be done. As long as I've done my part. I've also felt more closer to her than ever and I appreciate her more now. 
My friend, Dano has also been a great friend. Checking up on me from time to time. Seeing if i'm okay or not. Also helping me with my problems. I really appreciate that he cares and is there for me. Thanks a lot!
I feel better and know better now, but I still cry though. Every time, I think, "How could they?" The answer to that still remains unknown to me. All i know is that, that has 'heartless' written all over it. 
Well screw that. I've more important things to worry about. They can never make a fool out of something i'm not.


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