Saturday, February 25, 2012

The best songs.....

....are the one's that you've experienced.
If you haven't guessed it yet, I composed a new song. This song makes me wanna cry every time I sing it. 
Its called Fall Down.
Verse 1 
I stand here all alone and I'm looking in the mirror 
And I fall down on the ground
As I see what I have left now and everything is gone
And I'm starting to think maybe there's a lesson for me
Fall down.....

Why would you do to me what you did to me
You're breaking me now 
You can't understand how I'm torn into pieces
Can you imagine what I'm feeling
You're hurting me now
But I won't stop reaching where I need to me
Where I need to be
It was right in front of me

Well, that's where I've gotten so far and I'm still working on the rest of it so hopefully this song means something to you guys as it does for me. 

ciao bella , ♥

Puzzles and Confusion

Hey there guys. I know it has been around two months since I blogged. Well, there's not much to report actually until recently.


That would be the most recent exciting readable news about whats going on with my life but before that there was a real unfortunate event that occurred also quite recently but that's a family matter and I'd rather not go public with those sort of content and basically I'd rather not go public with any content of my problems. You people will judge and it would create more problems. If you would like to know what has been bothering me lately, ask. I'll share if I want to and only if you are willing to keep an open mind. Judgments are strictly prohibited and I will not accept it. 

I'm sorry if I sound serious or whatever but I've been sad. Really sad and frankly, I don't know what can make me happy. Even my love life is confusing me. I don't know what I want anymore. All I am looking for is happiness. Just happiness from wherever necessary but until then.

Forever unhappy, ☹